The Off-Grid Energy
Access Fund
Empowering local capital markets
Over half the population in Sub-Saharan Africa lacks access to reliable sources of energy. The Off-Grid Energy Access Fund, OGEF, helps tackle this challenge by providing local currency financing solutions to companies bringing affordable solar energy to communities living off the grid in the region.

OGEF's flexible approach is responsive to the needs of the African energy access sector, accommodating different funding requirements, jurisdictions and borrower types. Eligible borrowers include companies and specialist SPVs and span distributors, consumer finance providers, appliance companies, mini-grid developers and, indirectly, software and other service providers.

Increasing the availability of local currency debt for the African energy access sector is at the heart of OGEF's mission. We work with borrowers across all currencies in sub-Saharan Africa within the local market pricing dynamic, investing via a range of debt instruments, including receivables lending, inventory finance, other working capital lending and unsecured corporate debt.

In the long term, local capital markets will be the optimal source of local currency finance and wider debt for the energy access sector. OGEF will provide support for borrowers seeking to engage with local capital markets in terms of capacity building, outreach to investors, transaction structuring as well as advising and funding efforts to enhance the local regulatory environment.
Investment Parameters
Africa focused
Lending to companies and SPVs domiciled in Africa
ticket size
US$2-10 million ticket sizes in the applicable local currency
lending rates
Competitive lending rates depending on transaction structure and risk profile
flexible tenor
12-60 month tenors depending on transaction structure
Fund Manager
OGEF is managed by Cygnum Capital Group, a UK FCA-regulated alternative asset manager. The firm specialises in fund management and financial advisory for innovative financial strategies and transactions across Africa and has offices in Nairobi, Lagos and London.
For more information on Cygnum Capital Group please see www.cygnumcapital.com, www.alcbfund.com and www.feiafrica.com.
Contact us
To get in touch, please fill out the form below or send us an e-mail at info@ogefafrica.com
Any person, community or organisation who is adversely impacted by FEI OGEF LP can lodge a grievance against the fund, fund manager, an investee company or any other party related to the fund.
Grievances should preferably contain the following information:
The identity of the complainant(s): name(s), address(es) and other contact information;
The identity of the individual, project or other party related to the fund against which the complaint is being made;
A description of the issue; and
A description of any action taken to date.
The persons who have lodged a grievance will be kept informed about expected response times and progress made in addressing grievances. The identity if the complainant will be kept confidential.
Grievances can be submitted by emailing complaints@ogefafrica.com. Any complaint submitted by email will be reviewed by the Fund E&S Officer and automatically shared with the Fund Advisory Committee and African Development Bank for 3rd party review.
Grievances can also be sent to the Fund Manager, Advisory Committee or African Development Bank directly by letter to:
E&S Officer
Cygnum Capital Group
130-132 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SA
United Kingdom
Advisory Committee (Complaints)
c/o Ocorian Corporate Services (Mauritius) Ltd
6th Floor, Tower A, 1 CyberCity,
Ebene 72201,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Compliance Review & Mediation Unit African Development Bank
BP 1387 Abidjan 01
Cote d'Ivoire
- or via -

c/o Ocorian Corporate Services Ltd
6th Floor, Tower A,
1 CyberCity,
Ebene 72201,
Port Louis, Mauritius
Cygnum Capital Group
130 Buckingham Palace Road
London, UK
Valley View Office Park
Tower A, Floor 3
City Park Drive
Nairobi, Kenya
6th Floor, Sapetro Towers,
1 Adeola Odeku Street,
Victoria Island
Lagos, Nigeria